Shark specialist and active animal rights activist Misti Kalukhn in the film "Deep Blue Sea 2" in view of the lack of funds agrees to become one of the main consultants in a highly secretive pharmaceutical enterprise owned by the odious billionaire Karl Durant. The very same entrepreneur with the goal of becoming famous all over the world and becoming even richer and more popular with recognized scientists from around the world is trying to find a cure for serious diseases, in other words, a panacea.
The main component that enters the medicine should be the brain of sharks. However, this is not the worst thing that a girl saw when she came to the research station as a full-time employee. It turns out that local short-sighted scientists to observe side effects in sharks due to the use of medicines gave several experimental animals a high intelligence. Of course, knowing sharks, the girl warns the leadership about the possible danger, but, alas, she is not heard, and it turned out in vain, as the words of the famous movie hero came to life: "Deep Blue Sea 2".