On the question of what the future society can be, the creators of this fantastic thriller have the answer: ideal. True, only with the help of total supervision. Constitutional rights do not exist, as private territories or personal lives - every citizen of a single planetary state is under control every second. Since people agreed to carry portable devices, implanted in the body, everything has changed. For lies, mistakes or violations of the law follows an immediate and severe punishment. The only favorable side of this regime is the almost zero crime rate, which can not but please the main character of the film "Anon" - detective Sol Freeland. But soon the man will have to learn that the criminal world is still active, just his representatives adapted to the digital age and moved to a new level. It all starts with the meeting of the hero with a charming girl, which, he finds out, is not listed in any databases. Despite this fact and the fact that she is being held by the suspect in the case of a series of brutal murders, Sol falls in love with a girl.