Building a strong relationship with the stronger sex and creating a happy family with a safe and bright future is the dream of any self-respecting girl. But the marriage union will not be able to make the relationship even stronger and able to withstand any difficulties. Therefore, going to this serious step, you need to understand that from this moment the responsibility of the spouses will only increase, and the problems and worries over time will become more. And only genuine, true love will be able to help young people overcome any situation and preserve the warmth and tenderness of relationships.
The main character of the film “I Agree” is an ambitious and charming girl named Charlotte. She has her own business, which brings her quite decent income, while leaving time for her personal life. For three years now, a beautiful lady has met a cute, responsible and loving boyfriend. Nothing prevents lovers from finally getting married, but the girl has some doubts and fears at the subconscious level. Because of this, a young lady more than once ran away from her own weddings, fearing that the future husband would once leave her and fall in love with another.