It's hard to find a girl who does not dream of a beautiful prince on a white horse. But very few people know that in the world there is a beautiful prince who can hit any girl with her charm. About him and will be discussed in the family animated film "Charming".
In the center of the plot is a young man who from birth received a gift of seduction. Girls fall from happiness at its mere sight. He is so beautiful that anyone in the kingdom dreams of marrying him for a dream. The unusual gift of a young man leads to the fact that surrounding women begin to show willingness to make any sacrifices for the sake of his smile alone. And although this feature is very pleasing to the prince, he often encounters the anger of men who are not ready for such a turn of events. For this reason, he often has to deal with sudden problems with husbands of practical all their familiar girls. Everything changes at a time when the prince meets Lenore, a girl who is sure she is not capable of loving. Together they go on an epic journey.
We want to recommend for viewing the animated film "Charming" on the online site for everyone who sincerely loves kind fairy and family cartoons.