The film "Peterloo" is a reconstruction of historical events, which are also known as the Manchester massacre. Here we are talking about an uprising that took place in August 1819. Britain covers the economic crisis, which brings the standard of living of the population to an all-time low level. The country is slowly plunging into depression, the situation is aggravated by the fact that in society there is a sharp distinction in estates, when representatives of aristocratic families of rights are noticeably larger than ordinary people. John Rossel, the leader of one of the political parties, proposes a soft reform that will gradually lead to social equality.
However, his opponents are more determined, so the crowd of protesters, tuned and inspired by Ghent, gathers in the central square of Manchester to defend his voting rights. Of course, the ruling elite did not approve of such a demarche and did not negotiate with the protesters. Against the people gathered in the square were put forward police units, reinforced by cavalry detachments. Watch the movie "Peterlo" and find out that the confrontation took the lives of several dozen people, about 500 were injured.