Carlos is only 17 years old, and he has already managed to commit a series of serious crimes. He was always a difficult child. Parents and teachers could not calm the boy. He constantly skipped classes, ran to his classmates. A real rebel brought only troubles to his mother. The woman tried to teach her son, educate a decent man, but all efforts were in vain. He had little contact with peers. He was attracted to conversations with older comrades. Nobody could imagine what this friendship will lead to. One day the boy will face a difficult choice.
Friends will offer him to take part in a daring robbery. He gladly agrees to join the local gang. The young criminal is famously coping with his task. This guy does not stop. He continues to violate the law. It even reaches 11 murders. Soon the police left on the trail of Puch. He can not escape the cruel punishment for what he has done. The court makes a severe sentence. A young man will be behind bars for the rest of his life. This story stirred up all of Argentina. Yesterday's schoolboy turned out to be a hard-working criminal, a soulless killer. Many could not believe that a simple boy cold-bloodedly shot at people.