Dramatic tape will tell the story of the murders on behalf of the maniac himself. For 12 years he will commit crimes, detailing the tortured torture and torment of the victims. He so masterfully sweeps out tracks that it is difficult for the police to attack his trail. Such murders could only be committed by a mentally ill and unbalanced person. All the blame was the injuries inflicted in childhood. The psychic of the protagonist was broken just then. He was born as if in a normal family, he was known as a quiet and imperceptible boy. The boy even avoided people, avoided meetings and dialogues. Loneliness became a devoted companion to the protagonist. He devoted all his free time to reading. Especially he liked the works, where the murders, mockeries and tortures of the victims were described in detail. This knowledge base helped him to confuse the investigation and to let the police on a false track. Jack so masterly committed murders, that he admired his talent. He watched the detectives try to find at least some clues, and he was already looking for the next victim. The place of the murders he cleaned, thus confusing the traces. Jack treated his deeds as works of art. The next murder he planned to perform even more subtle, virtuosic. He has the most sophisticated crime ahead of him, which he planned to commit ...