An exciting story unfolds around a young guy who has not yet turned 30 years old, for his years he was able to build a brilliant career, the work where he works brings him tremendous pleasure. It is popular among girls, and all this to him in joy. Well, suddenly, a black streak comes. The chief, who previously valued him, in a moment says that he no longer needs such an employee. When the hero returns home, relatives state that they no longer intend to tolerate him in their home. That he is an ungrateful son who behaves badly. As a result, the main character was on the street. He perfectly understands that to go nowhere so decides to start living in a car. In order to resolve issues with personal hygiene, he goes to the beach and takes a shower in public cabins. Inhabited in Spartan conditions, the man comes to the conclusion that for a long time this can not continue, that it is necessary to take measures to resolve issues and problems. He begins to act, the guy goes in search of a new job, but luck has turned away from him and now the hero, every now and then, that gets into trouble. Each new event entails more serious consequences. Will he manage to overcome all these difficulties ?!