Julien sincerely loves her family, but she spends much more time at work than with close people. Every day early in the morning he leaves home and returns only late at night. The protagonist of the dramatic film "My Son" is so passionate about his profession that he himself does not notice how the family fades into the background. Constant business trips and a long hours work schedule lead to the destruction of his family happiness. And one day it's too late to change anything.
Julien perfectly understands that he himself is to blame for what happened, but is not going to change. He continues to work hard, more and more immersed in the profession. But one day Julien receives tragic news of the loss of her seven-year-old son. The main character is in a state of shock. Feeling guilty, Julien decides to quit his job and immediately go in search of the boy. He begins his own investigation and finds out a lot of details that are heating up his aggression. With each step, Julien increasingly loses control of herself. And now he craves only cruel reprisals against the offenders.
Do you want to know how the events will develop further? Then we recommend not postpone for later and right now see the movie "My Son" online on our website.