Carson is a beginner entrepreneur who is in an incredibly difficult situation. A young businessman lives in a very tense rhythm, overflowing with stressful situations, which are necessarily reflected in the psychoemotional state. He has absolutely no time, devoting all the time to laborious, exhausting work. Opening his own company, designed to ensure a stable financial income, he expected to find peace of mind and absolute confidence in a prosperous future. In fact, the discovery of his work has led to the emergence of a huge number of problems that arise endlessly, leading to nervous exhaustion. Devastated guy could not give time to go to the terminally ill father and communicate informally with friends and relatives.
Despair and helplessness in front of the daily routine, which has absorbed the rest of the time, pushes into the corner of the tired businessman, who has chosen alcohol as the only acceptable way to deal with stress, which has become a kind of vent in a monotonous daily routine. However, attempts to drown on the bottom of the glass all the troubles, led to more serious difficulties. Once, after another binge, Carson awoke with a heavy hangover in the seat of his car, not remembering any details of the past day. The car was smeared with blood, obviously not belonging to the owner, as a thorough examination of his own body showed that there were no serious injuries. The shocked man begins to realize that in an almost unconscious state he could hit a person or, at best, a large animal. Now we need to find out the real picture of what happened.