The action of the film "Insidious: The Last Key" unfolds immediately after the events described in the previous parts of the series. In the center of the story is Alice Rainer, a woman who has been fond of her psychology all her life. However, at some point, she realized that she understands not only living people, but also hears the sounds of the dead. Trying to figure out her abilities, Alice realized that she can communicate with those who have long since left the world of the living. At first she was frightened of her abilities, but then she managed to learn to control them and direct them to the right track. After that, Alice began to help those who are angry with evil beings.
The main character survived a lot of trouble. It more than once expelled the aggressive spirits penetrating into our world, and saved many human lives. Alice remembers her youth when she only discovered a unique ability. Living in New Mexico, she became a hostage of the evil demonic spirit that settled in her house. He challenged her, trying to turn her life into a nightmare.
Love mystical horror, capable of scare? Then the film "Insidious: The Last Key" can be a wonderful choice. We wish you interesting viewing.