Starting watching the movie "Black Panther", the viewer gets into the picturesque, but wild territory of Africa. In these places, nature reigns. And only sometimes you can notice the tribes living in harmony with the natural world. Here is located and Wakanda. At first glance, it may seem that it does not differ from other similar African places, but this is not so. In the depths of these lands are hidden deposits of a truly unique metal, not yet discovered by man. This metal is capable of absorbing vibration. Many researchers, scientists, criminals and enthusiasts tried to reach him, but every time the spirit of the savannah, nicknamed Black Panther, appeared. He appeared every time his fellow tribesmen began to oppress.
Here and this time the trouble again comes to Wakandu. The situation is complicated by the fact that the new enemy has secured not only financial and human support, but also uses all the advanced achievements of technology. And when there is almost no chance, the young prince of the tribe learns that he has to revive the legend. He has a serious responsibility on his shoulders. He will have to continue the eternal struggle in the role of avenger and defender of the oppressed.