A young thief once encounters a charming girl who falls in love at first sight. Aladdin is ready to marry when she learns a terrible secret - the girl's name is Jasmine and she is a real princess. Of course, her father himself is the Sultan, and he would never give up his daughter for a petty criminal. Even if their feelings are mutual. Meanwhile, a coup d'état is being prepared in the country. Vizier Agraby Jafar is going to take possession of Agraba, killing the real ruler and add the beautiful Jasmine to his harem. To fulfill the goal, he just needs to find a magic lamp with a genie from legends. The lamp was hidden in a cave of wonders, where a simple outsider is forbidden to enter, even if it is such an important bump as a vizier. Only a person nicknamed as an uncut diamond can enter the cave. And, by chance, this person is ingenuous Aladdin. But the boy is not as simple as it seems - having realized what was happening, Aladdin takes the lamp for himself.