In one Indian village lived the main character of this amazing action movie - a young man named Shiva. He was very surprised when he once saw a beautiful city girl in the village wilderness. Her name was Indus, and she recently moved from a metropolis to a provincial backwater. Seeing the charming city woman, the redneck instantly fell in love with her to the ears. Sincere boy wholeheartedly hoped that he would be able to build a romantic relationship with a beautiful woman.
Here are just his dreams could not come true, because events suddenly made a very sharp turn. The fact is that Indu, unexpectedly for everyone, became the wife of a man from the USA. After the marriage, the couple quickly flew to America to settle for permanent residence. Having flown away across the ocean, the girl began a new life, and did not even realize that she had a mysterious admirer in her homeland. And Shiva suffered from the loss of his beloved, although she was never his bride. Indian cinema Rx 100 2018 you can watch online on our portal.
For a long time, the young man rushed about in search of his own place in life, but then the wound healed a little. And after three years of absence, Indu suddenly returned home, and her husband was not with her. Shiva was one of the first to find out about the return of the girl. And he hurried to visit an old acquaintance, say hello, inquire about her fate. Broken heart again caught fire hope to conquer the cutie, and the man decided to make maximum effort for this. Why did the heroine fly back to her home country? Where is her devout?