“Vada Chennai” became the cradle of existence for the guy Anba. However, this particular area of Madrasa was prone to poverty, the locals could not find a job, so they dragged out a miserable existence, were starving, diseases quickly claimed lives without proper medical care. Rich citizens did not care at all about ordinary people, profiting by not always fair ways on the hopelessness of the position of the majority of Indians. Childhood boy passed in harsh conditions, under the pressure of unfair cruelty on the part of wealthy compatriots. Of course, poor people, doomed to death, forced to survive, also pushed their elbows to their own kind, trying to arrange a modest life. Therefore, the boy thought early about social inequality, anticipating the horrors of further survival, which overtook his friends, relatives and acquaintances.
When the boy grew up, a sudden unexpected acquaintance with a funny couple Guna and Rajan, inveterate fraudsters who kept entire neighborhoods at bay, really changed the vectorial direction of the naive small. The criminal world accepted the doomed beggar, opening up to him the corresponding dangerous prospects, giving hope for small, insignificant improvements, obtained not by legal means. The reality has changed a lot, causing a change in perception, breaking the character of a confused young man trying to get out of the routine of life. There are not many ways to get well-being, the main one was the conflict with the law, which the doomed citizen wanted to avoid.