A person can not exist without a cherished dream, for the attainment of which, certain goals are set. Existence is meaningless, if there is not something that a person could strive for. Some people dream of a happy life for themselves or even their families, and some think about others, which is becoming a very complex phenomenon. Not all people are ready to perceive the fact that people around us live for the common good. However, all these people are like that they are striving to big megacities, where, in their opinion, dreams come true. The most popular city for heavenly life is New York. Many people seek to get there precisely, thinking that it is in this place that they are waiting for a beautiful life.
However, in fact it is not quite so, because for your own well-being even in a big city you need to go through a lot of trials to earn this beautiful life, because it does not fall from the sky. In the center of attention of a similar story are two young people who, like all surrounding people, dream of a brilliant career. Teji always wanted to become an actor, and Ginel has already become a fashion designer, and he now has a completely different dream. He would like to participate in a fashion event where all people associated with fashion aspire.