Events of the fascist thriller "The Debt Collector" unfold around the well-known martial arts master in the city, glorifying his school, from which there were many professional athletes. Unfortunately, recently our hero is experiencing certain financial problems that have arisen after the next collection and with which he can not cope. In the end, this whole situation with debts led to the fact that the creditors of men threatened to take away from him the school, along with the rest of his property.
Having realized that he faces not only confiscation of property, but also the death of a martial arts master who always differed in honesty and unscrupulousness, he goes to the local criminal authority to bow. Bandit agrees to help the protagonist in exchange for the fact that he will work as a bouncer in his gang. Of course, such an occupation goes against the principles of a man, but realizing that he simply has nowhere to go, agrees to work for a bandit? not even guessing what this all in the end for him will end ....