The film "The Wild Pear Tree" describes an uneasy period in the life of Sinan, the beginning writer, who gives great hopes. Young Turks very early assessed the prospects of life in the village. He realized that it is possible to realize fully creative potential only in a big city, where life is boiling. The young man immediately went to meet his own destiny when he reached adulthood. Having successfully solved the housing issue, Sinan devoted himself entirely to creative activity. Despite the many difficulties that traditionally arise among young authors, the guy continued to work actively, being absolutely confident of success. During this time the young man has never been able to visit his native land.
The circumstances changed, despite the busyness in the city, Sinan was forced to return to the village. Much now seemed unusual in the province, where the childhood years of the beginning writer were. He was amazed by the calm, measured life, lack of fuss and noise, traditional attributes of modern cities. Sinan hoped that a short stay in his native place would do him good, a short rest would have a better effect on his moral and physical condition, and would add inspiration. The guy was wrong, hoping for an idyll in the village. It turned out that the parent has serious financial problems. The father is mired in debt. The son has to postpone the writing work. Watch the movie "Wild Pear", and you will see how badly Sinan's financial problems are affecting his father.