In the center of the plot of the movie Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich online is a young man who in the closet of his brother found an old shabby doll. The guy thought that the thing he found was a rarity and could be sold for good money. The guy decided to go with the thing to auction in Oregon. In one small town, which was located in this state. The town celebrated a holiday on the occasion of a major murder in Toulon 30 years ago. After the guy appeared at the auction with this doll, the doll found began to revive and kill all who were surrounded. The main character, of course, is still alive. But we can say that his life is hanging by a thread. He has to survive in order to be able to live and kill a doll that has killed so many people. After all, the guy understands that he himself is the culprit of this incident. Will the protagonist survive? Will the main character ever be able to destroy his hateful doll. Answers to all these questions can be learned while watching a horror film that surprises you with its unusualness.