Many Islamic countries are known for their modern luxury and wild discrimination of women. In such states as Tehran and Iraq, moral prohibitions most often reach complete absurdity. Since ancient times local people revered their ancestors, therefore they remained faithful and submissive to their traditions. Although there are people who sometimes protest against such a system, trying to break it, but most often they break themselves.
The film tells five different stories related to the local prostitute and her little deaf-mute son, whom she was forced to take with her to "work." A woman did not choose such a profession out of a good life, but as a sign of protest and despair. After she was on the street, and even with a sick child in her arms to feed herself she began to serve casual passers-by, tramps and taxi drivers. Soon the girl was noticed by a pervert judge and sheltered her and her son in his huge house. Only next to her, a respected and wealthy judge could afford to relax, committing with the girl various perversions.
In addition to the judge in the house lived a banker with his pregnant wife Sarah. The prostitute told them that she works as a nurse in a local clinic, so during "night duty" neighbors look after her child. In the house opposite there lives a musician named Babak. He likes to violate the prohibitions, because he rebels into the soul. At one of the social parties Babak slept with the daughter of an influential person and now he urgently needs to find a huge amount for the operation to restore virginity. In desperate attempts, he plunges into forbidden desires, and to find the desired freedom, four young people from Tehran break a system of age-old traditions, breaking the taboo of an Islamic society, filled with all kinds of prohibitions.