The beginning of the seventies ... The situation in the Country is not the most rosy, half-empty store shelves, a terrible shortage, low standard of living of the population, creates a heavy oppressive environment. The situation in the northern capital is not much different from the situation in other regions. But Leningrad is also the cultural capital, which is in full swing of literary activity. Joseph Brodsky, who is going to travel abroad in the near future, is an indisputable leader of the writing community. The ever-increasing struggle with dissent and freedom of speech, forcing him to leave his homeland.
His best friend, the rising star of literature, the young writer Sergey Dovlatov, fully shares his convictions. In the Soviet Union it is absolutely impossible to print. The works of the young writer, written honestly and heartily. But the government is not ready to allow the broad masses to gain access to works of this kind. They go against the official state policy and ideology of a socialist society. Dovlatov had to push the thresholds of well-known publishers of newspapers and magazines, but he was denied everywhere. He suffers from a lack of recognition, and his family from a lack of money and poverty, most likely they will also have to leave their homeland ...