In the film "Operation Ragnarok" depicts the far Scandinavian town - Landskron. There are a lot of very strange and incomprehensible things for the urban population: the locals are dying, as well as those who have recently found themselves in this sinister place. No one can understand what the causes of what is happening are hidden, and every death resembles the consequences of a deadly virus infection. A terrible disease is transmitted from person to person, and all this happens very quickly.
Infected become dangerous zombies, but still in the town there are still absolutely healthy people. Their task is to stop this catastrophe, which struck the local population. But in such conditions it is almost impossible to stop the spread of the virus. The town is surrounded by soldiers who are ordered not to let anyone out of the affected area. Moreover, they must eliminate the danger, killing everyone who tries to escape. Survivors face an almost impossible task: they need to leave the city, while maintaining their lives. Frightened population can not think adequately, because of what between the people there is a lot of rifts and friction. In order to cope with all the problems that have arisen, all the survivors need to rally and make a common decision.