The plot of the exciting drama called "Tiger" is the story of the life of a talented Indian boxer named Pardipi Nagr. The famous athlete always wore a beard, despite the fact that according to the rules it was prohibited. After he was removed from the competition, the young man managed to restore his own rights through the court and become a world-famous human rights activist. At the beginning of his career, the main character played in a small football club, but due to outbursts of anger and aggression, he was quickly kicked out of the team. Now he is left behind in a big sport, no matter how sad it may sound. Despite the fact that he thought it was the end, he was suddenly noticed by a boxing trainer who recognized the potential of a fighter in a guy. From this day begin a long grueling workout. Every day was filled with new emotions, as well as various sports. His great desire to become the first, outbreaks of aggression and coach tactics soon gave excellent results. The main character of the tape "Tiger" can confidently make their way to the very top of Olympus. He starts to enter the ring not for the sake of fame and money, but in order to tell the people around him that he is also a man.