» » Reach (2018)

Reach (2018)

Reach (2018) Stephen Turano is a real geek and what kind of sociopath. This guy has experienced a lot from others and honestly doubts that in this world there is a suitable place for him. The guy is so bad that he even thinks about committing suicide. And although this is of course an unreasonable act, there are still many different events ahead of him and the chance that life will change for the better is great. But at that moment Stephen is hard to grasp.
The situation is saved by a new one. This unusual guy whose name is Clarence, treats Stephen as an equal and helps him cope with his depression. More than that, the guys are starting to be really friendly.
Alas, not all problems can be solved simply by making friends, and therefore both guys will have to go through a series of tests that will check their will, intelligence and friendship. Will they be able to cope with them? You can find out by looking at the picture. One thing is clear, they will do their best.
The film was dramatic and at the same time it has a lot of comedy. He promises to please people of different ages, different worldviews, beliefs and interests. And this at least suggests that he is not bad. And maybe very good, you decide. But only after viewing, because not one description will not be able to fully convey its plot, humor and atmosphere.


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Reach (2018)

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Reach (2018)

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