What if your best friend suddenly disappeared and does not come into contact for a long time? This question is constantly asked by Abby, who has lost a loved one. She does not know what to do, but she is not going to sit idly by. Soon the main character of the thriller "The Land of Smiles" appeals for help to the police, but they, it seems to her, do not plan to search for the missing person. They face such cases every day and show skepticism, believing that sooner or later a person will contact himself, and if he does not, it means that he is no longer alive.
Abby is not going to put up with such a situation. If the police are not going to look for the missing, then she will do it herself. Having begun her own investigation, she, without knowing it herself, is the object of observations of a psychopath who likes to shoot experimental films, impregnated with cruelty and violence. He wants to make Abby the main character of the next creation. But this only means that she will have to say goodbye to life.
Fans of gloomy thrillers with elements of horror, we want to recommend to watch the movie "Country of Smiles" online on the site.