Actions take place in the American outback of Texas. In the center of attention is one family that does not want to keep pace with the times. These people have always tried to avoid public noisy activities. The surrounding people also tried to communicate with them as rarely as possible, observing their closeness and reluctance to communicate. The only place visited by the protagonists is a small church where they prayed and asked the creator of the whole world so that people could finally embark on the true path.
After a while the first-born appeared in the spouses. The child was brought up in complete isolation from the outside world, observing all the traditions and rules of the family. While the boy was still small, his parents easily controlled, despite the fact that he always wanted to escape from such a life and at least simply communicate with his peers. After his majority, he still decides to escape from his parents, without even imagining that he can wait in modern society.