The protagonist of the comedy "Taco Shop", a boy named Smokes, after finishing school, could not continue his studies, since his parents had nothing to pay. That's why Smoks tried to find a job as soon as possible and at least somehow support himself and his family. Of course, he had no chance to get a job at a prestigious job, and he hurried to get a job at a local store that specialized in selling tacos popular Mexican tortillas. Smoks always liked to communicate with people, so the seller's work completely satisfied him and even brought pleasure. The owner of the store Eddie was pleased with the state of affairs, because over time his institution began to be popular with local residents. But the good times were short-lived. Across the street from the Smoks store, a similar institution opens, which quickly attracts all regular customers. Eddie is furious and decides to get rid of competitors by any means. Will Smoke or this guy have any plans for this?