The upcoming film "The Hatred You Generate" is based on the popular book "The Hate U Give", released in 2017. This dramatic story will tell you about the sixteen-year-old girl Starr Carter living in the usual black quarter, where there are rules and laws.
Starr is an ordinary teenager who loves his family and friends. It does not divide people into blacks and whites, because both exist in both worlds. In her understanding of people, not the color of the skin, but the actions that they do. It was thanks to such views on the world that she was able to find friends in the "school for whites", becoming her own. Over the years, her faith in people has been steady, until one night a terrible tragedy occurred.
On the way home, her friend and childhood Khalila is stopped by a policeman, because allegedly the guys broke the rules. Of course, they clearly followed the instructions and got out of the car, in anticipation of their soon being released. In order to cheer her up a little, the guy decides to get a hairbrush out of the car while the officer checks the documents and as soon as he reaches for it, a shot followed. The man shot an unarmed child and killed him before the eyes of the girl ...