The main thing in the story: A wedding is always a good and very important event in the life of two persons. This is the classic ending of the so-called candy-bouquet period, and began a serious life together. This event will not bypass almost all men and women. Brides will wait for this day, and burn out with curiosity and emotions. All their thoughts during this period are occupied by affairs, which need to be done in time for a bright and long-awaited day. Grooms for their part, too, are preparing, and to their mind comes the idea that fun days are ending now, but the concept begins like a house and comfort.
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But the future wedding is usually prepared not only sweet couples, but also their parents. In the center of the film are two daddies, whose children soon play a wedding. This is a very responsible step, and therefore everything needs to be thought through to the details. Time goes very quickly, and here till the treasured date there is only one week. Parents who want the best for their children, unite their efforts, and will work together all these days together. Everything should go just perfect, but how does the ceremony really go, and what will happen this week?