A goose named Peng is distinguished by a kind disposition and willingness to come to the rescue in a difficult moment. He dreams of flying like a real bird. The main character of the full-length family film "Duck Duck Goose" sincerely believes that one day he will be able to soar into the sky and enjoy the beauty of his native places from a bird's eye view. But while he has to move on his feet.
Once Peng turns out to be an involuntary participant in the fight, which results in a serious injury. Peng temporarily loses the ability to fly. And now he will have to wait patiently until the trauma is healed. At the same time, the protagonist meets small ducklings who have lost their parents. Together with them, he goes to the south. There, Peng must find his destiny. And somewhere there are parents of ducklings. Peng can not leave them, so he will be with them until he finds relatives of his companions. He does not suspect that by the end of the trip they will become a strong family.
We want to recommend to the online viewing cartoon "Duck Duck Goose" to all viewers who love good adventure stories.