The full-length animated cartoon "Mahnem to the Moon" begins with a detailed description of how many centuries ago a mysterious alien race of mollusks could enslave several planets using a magical amulet. However, after the aliens conquered the Earth before Columbus embarked on his great journey, a humanoid bird named Condor, immune to the hypnotic action of the amulet, managed to de-hypnotize people, thanks to which human civilization was saved. The mollusks had to return to their planet, leaving the conquests behind. But at that moment they promised that they would wait for a convenient moment to return and work humanity again.
Wanting to protect people, Condor and his friends are hiding an amulet in an ancient temple in the dense jungles of Mexico. From this moment he decides to devote his life to keeping this secret. But when he has a child, his secret begins to pass by heredity. And so the secret passes from one generation to another. The descendants of the great Condor become continuers of his work.
Do you want to know what will happen next? Then postpone all the work for later and enjoy watching the animated cartoon "Mahnem on the Moon" on the online site right now.