Sam and Chuck eventually conclude that because he is covered in blood, holding the killer’s signature blade, and possesses a mysterious wooden mask, Sam may actually be the killer and his blackouts prevented him from remembering. Sam tries to destroy the mask, but discovers it is unbreakable. Sam then attempts to burn the mask, only for his face to burn as well. Chuck theorizes that the mask may have imprinted on him. Fearful that they are going to kill him, Sam goes back into hiding when Brad and Jamie come looking for him.
Chuck asks Sam to remember how everything started. Sam flashes back to killing skinny-dippers at a pool, a couple in a kitchen, and then Steve ‘The Kayak King’ while possessed by the mask. Sam recalls telling Camp Clear Vista’s haunted history to other counselors around a campfire. Sam tells the tale of a woodcarver who crafted a mask from a tree where a dark spirit was trapped by a Cajun medicine man. The mask compelled the carver to kill his family until a woman murdered him. Now the cursed mask is rumored to be buried at the woodcarver’s grave.