Neil Marshall, acting as the director of the film, gives a continuation of American history in the genre of fantasy. Hellboy, being the main character of the film, will have to go to the heart of a beautiful and restrained country - England. It was there that he had to face Nimue. Medieval lady and the wife of the magician Merlin is famous for his cruelty and malice. Not for nothing that she was nicknamed the Blood Queen and was awarded the title "Lady of the Lake". The protagonist intends to fight the enemy in a fair fight and win a victory over her once and for all. But this battle is fraught with consequences not only for the rivals themselves, but for all of humanity as a whole. Avoid the prepared fate will not work, but how to be Hellboy desperately trying to escape from the fall of the world. The battle of the two evils may end badly - a real Apocalypse. Dust and temper will have to be tempered and sacrificed for the sake of saving the world. But what if the Blood Queen does not want to give up the position and intends to go to the very end, no matter how he was?