When in the life of the protagonist of the film "Between Worlds" tragic events occur, related to his loved ones, he is ready to do anything to return the dear people to the real world. Recently in an accident, Joe lost the whole family. His wife died on the spot, and her daughter fell into a deep coma. Desperate man lives in the past and can not imagine his life without loved ones. More recently, happiness was in his hands, and now he is completely wild, and not having found peace of mind. The work of the truck driver at least somehow distracts from the heavy thoughts constantly present in the head. He tries to do it without unnecessary words and delays, but still he does not cease to descend spiritually lower. Often after a hard day, he takes up the bottle and drinks, realizing that it will not be better. The future now little worries about the unfortunate spouse, holds him only a small hope that the child can recover. However, the opinions of doctors are not comforting, which can not but upset the father.
Once, while performing another flight, on the way he meets Julia - a spiritually gifted woman, who can summon the dead. The medium forces us to reconsider his views on supernatural phenomena. After meeting with her, inexplicable things begin to happen. Julie convinces the unfortunate person to drop all the cases and set out to find the soul of Billy's daughter. At first he perceives a woman as a charlatan, but gradually the view of her changes in a cardinal direction. In his life penetrated mysticism and does not intend to leave. At a spiritual seance, the girl began to urge the girl to return to the world of the living. However, the spirit of Mary's dead mother turns out to be stronger and enters, instead of her daughter, into the body of the child.
Billy suddenly awakens in the presence of the parent, but not herself, but in the face of the deceased spouse who came to complete the unfinished business with the living. Joe will have to think about what to do next. He does not understand how this is possible and tries to convince himself of the unreality of what is happening. Grief could hurt the psyche, maybe it just seemed to him. But further events put the hero in quiet horror. To find the reasons that caused dangerous consequences and return the daughter, he will have to face mystical phenomena, learn the secrets of his wife and face an evil that does not want to just go.