The film "Dragged Across Concrete" tells about two policemen who are forced to move to the other side of the barricade. Service in law enforcement agencies is always a big responsibility, because wearing a uniform and receiving a badge, a policeman always gives an oath to serve and protect. However, from yesterday's cadets very quickly flies around the romantic husk, revealing cynicism and self-confidence. Of course, they continue to serve, but start to resemble their wards. This is expressed in the manifestation of cruelty towards detainees, which can lead to very sad consequences.
Ridgeman has served in the police for many years, rightfully considering himself a mother and an experienced wolf. Anthony, the beginning policeman who recently graduated from the academy, defines him as his partner. The novice has a rather violent and quick temper, so he quickly finds a common language with his older friend, who is also difficult to call a model of virtue. It is not surprising that soon the partners get accusations of extremely cruel methods of work, the press gleefully inflates the official investigation to a nationwide sensation, and the grief-partners are literally thrown into the street without a pension and severance pay. Watch the movie "On cement" and find out that buddies quickly find application for their skills and connections, moving into the criminal business.