Despite not the best childhood, eighteen-year-old Nina continues to believe in her dream. The girl was not used to drop her hands and even the death of her parents could not deprive her of her belief in the best. All her life, Nina dreamed of becoming the owner of a small hotel, where good and kind people would stay. In search of work and earnings, the girl is arranged in a hotel called "Paradise Place". The position of the maid, of course, is not what the heroine dreamed about, but this is the beginning of the rise on the career ladder.
Ignoring all the difficulties, slanting views and condemnations, Nina continues to work hard, earning her self-confidence. Soon perseverance brings fruit and the attitude to the heroine begins to change for the better, there are friends and even romantic relationships, however, what follows all this, turns Nina's life upside down.
Somehow, ill-wishers are many times greater than those who are willing to put their shoulder, listen and give good advice. Friendship grows into jealousy, and love is a continuous problem. However, Nina is not one of those girls who turn halfway or refuse a tidbit of a pie, the heroine intends to win her place under the sun, whatever it would cost her.