Heroes of the cartoon "Red Shoes & the 7 Dwarfs" involuntarily angered the witch, for which they were turned into ugly creatures of green color. You can remove the spell by using a pair of shoes in red, but it's not easy to get a similar shoe. The dwarfs know who in the fairy kingdom wears such shoes, but the beauty does not want to voluntarily part with the pair of shoes. It is these shoes that make her figure slim and beautiful, and she is irresistible in them. Heroes undertake various ways of extracting the treasured gizmos. But each time all their attempts fail. Some of the dwarves even suffered, getting a kick, but they do not despair. The owner of red shoes is confident in their miraculous power, because with them she seems younger, time is beyond her control. In the past, the seven princes were inseparable, guarding the kingdom from enemies. Now they are sure that they will be able to get shoes at night, because only for the night the intractable girl removes them and puts them on a special pillow. But even at night the girl does not lose vigilance and foresees every step of the green team of gnomes. But what is their surprise, when instead of a charming fragile girl, they see an ugly fat woman. Also, perhaps you can comment or share a link to this cartoon or children's film. See Red shoes and 7 gnomes in good quality, in some cases you can download multik with torrent.