"Deadpool 2" is a story about one of the most ironic and eccentric mercenaries in the history of people with incredible abilities. At the heart of the story is Wade Wilson, a former commander of special forces who decided to start making money as a mercenary. He was always confident in himself and knew what he wanted from life. But this confidence was questioned at a time when doctors discovered that he had cancer in the last stage. At this point, Wade's life turned upside down. At the same time, he was not a famous person to talk about a unique program that could cure him of the disease. Thinking of everything, he gave a positive answer.
After a while, Wade is cured. But because of the actions of a cold-blooded, experimenting physician, it becomes a side-effect - the face and the disfigured body. At the same time, Wade notes that his body can regenerate at an incredible speed, making it practically invulnerable. Together with Vanessa's girlfriend and best friend TJ Miller, they are forced to face the enemies who want to die.