In the center of the story told by the authors of the film "Tomb Raider" is the fiercely independent daughter of an eccentric adventurer, who disappeared without a trace at the moment she reached adolescence. But now Lara is 21 and she has to live a life without any real purpose. She chaotically floats on the streets of fashionable East London, working as an ordinary courier, carrying a variety of orders. The funds she received are barely enough for rents and courses in college.
Lara is sure that her father could not just leave her. She remembers the past and remembers the images in memory when he told her that you can not stand in one place and you must always move forward, even if he is not there. Lara is going to reveal the mystery of his mysterious disappearance. She goes against the will of her father and leaves everything she has to learn about his last appointment. Soon Lara appears in the legendary tomb on the island, which for a long time was considered mythical. She will have to show all her skills in order to survive in a place that is full of followers of a gloomy cult.
The film "Tomb Raider" we want to recommend to those viewers who give their preference to adventure stories.