Having started watching the movie "12 Strong", we get acquainted with an elite military unit with more experience in conducting complex and dangerous cases. Despite their preparedness, only a few of them were in hot spots. All of them are witnessing the tragic events that took place on September 11. At that time, everyone understands perfectly well that after a while all the special purpose unit will go to Afghanistan.
Already the next day the leadership warns them that now they will have to fight at a hot spot, defending the interests of democracy and repelling the world criminal community. Once in Afghanistan, soldiers are difficult to adapt to a foreign country, living not only by their customs, traditions and rules, but also by laws. They unite with secret agents of the government special services and soldiers of the Northern Alliance. Only this way they will succeed in repelling the aggressive Taliban. But to achieve the goal they will have to start a major war. Will they get their order back on the planet?
We want to recommend the movie "12 Strong" to the online viewing of the audience, who love military subjects.