Celeste and Leann - twin sister. They have a joint family business and the heroines work in the same studio. Being engaged in yoga, girls look for themselves, help their self-development and do everything to make their lives play with all colors. One day everything changes. One of the sisters rebels and soon she claims that she does not have enough free space.
For the second, this statement of death is like. She used to be together. Anytime and anywhere. This is for them the biggest and favorite activity - to copy each other and to believe that everything in their life will be adjusted and will always be equally good. The key word is the same here! Therefore, the business also opened a joint. One decides to separate, the heroine did not know, and did not want to know. She came home in horror and realized that she did not have a moment's peace from the time her sister left home.
Where? What for? Most importantly, who will now be next to her in that very big city? And what if they offend her there? The girl, without thinking twice, followed her sister, but she did not warn that there was a surprise. The surprise was not a pleasant one, because the other sister already had troubles, problems, and her own life in the city, which she did not want to devote to her sister.